Shlomo Brody

Rabbi Shlomo Brody is the executive director of Ematai, an organization dedicated to helping Jews think about aging, end-of-life care, and organ donation. His newest book, Ethics of Our Fighters, was released at the end of 2023.

Israel and the CNN Effect

Images of bloodshed in Gaza should upset anyone with a healthy moral sense. But they don’t help determine whether the actions that brought these scenes about were ethical.

Jan. 4 2024 12:01AM

Podcast: Shlomo Brody on Capital Punishment and the Jewish Tradition

Earlier this month, the man who killed eleven Jews in Pittsburgh in 2018 was sentenced to death. A rabbi and ethicist joins us to think about Jewish views of capital punishment.

Aug. 11 2023 12:01AM

Podcast: Shlomo Brody on Reclaiming Biblical Social Justice

The rabbi joins us to enumerate the principles of Jewish social justice, and to explain how you can differentiate between your own views and those of the Hebrew Bible.

May 6 2021 12:01AM

Does Jewish Law Oblige Doctors to Risk Their Own Health to Heal the Sick?

Those with greater ability to help are called upon to bear greater risk.

April 2 2020 12:01AM

How Lenient Should Standards for Conversion to Judaism Be?

There’s an argument for leniency particularly in Israel, where the surrounding society naturally facilitates some form of ritual observance on the part of would-be Jews.

Nov. 18 2019 12:01AM

Have I Shared Too Many Secrets of Jewish Law?

My book opened the closed door of halakhic decision-making. Some think that process isn’t for public consumption.

April 9 2015 12:01AM

From “We” to “I”

The greater threat to Jewish mores stems not from same-sex marriage but from heterosexual promiscuity.

Feb. 12 2014 10:00PM