
Julien Benda’s scribes without Torah.

April 13 2022 12:01AM

An inadvertent warning about the dangers of political infantilization.

March 19 2020 12:01AM

Meet Karl-Heinz Hoffman and his “military sports group.”

Sam Izzo
June 19 2019 12:01AM

Not getting the joke.

Vivian Bercovici
March 22 2019 12:01AM

Part Joyce, part Balzac, part yizkor book.

Dec. 7 2018 12:01AM

The dangers of rhetorical hysteria.

Jan. 26 2018 12:01AM

A forgotten chronicler of the Holocaust in Italy.

Siân Gibby
Dec. 4 2017 12:01AM

And the search for one survivor.

Michael Frank
July 17 2017 12:01AM

His pro-fascism and anti-Semitism call for stringent judgment.

March 2 2017 12:01AM

The Argentinian author drew on a variety of Jewish ideas in his work.

Shalom Goldman
June 16 2015 12:01AM

There is little doubt that Benito Mussolini’s Venetian-born Jewish lover Margherita Sarfatti had a profound influence on the dictator’s career, but can she truly be. . .

Brian R. Sullivan and Michael McDonald
Nov. 24 2014 12:01AM

Vladimir Putin has recently spoken admiringly of the 1939 Nazi-Soviet pact, which, in the run-up to World War II, allowed Germany and the Soviet Union. . .

Timothy Snyder
Nov. 13 2014 12:01AM

Margherita Sarfatti, a Venetian Jewess, was Benito Mussolini’s mistress and confidante from 1912 until the 1930s. Sophisticated, educated, and politically engaged, she was unique among. . .

Michael McDonald
Oct. 23 2014 12:01AM

The close kinship between two modern political movements puts paid to the conventional idea that one of them, Nazism, is a more extreme form of conservatism. 

Daniel Hannan
Feb. 27 2014 12:01AM