Meir Soloveichik is the rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel and the director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University. His website, containing all of his media appearances, podcasts, and writing, can be found at
What Winston Churchill and Jerry Seinfeld can teach us about the challenges we face.
A recording and transcript of our subscriber-only conversation between two leading rabbis about two of the animating spirits of the Jewish world.
What happens when an Ashkenazi rabbi leads a Sephardi synagogue during the Days of Awe? A profound encounter with new moods in Jewish life.
The well-known rabbi looks at the link between freedom and monotheism in the the text accompanying the seder service.
Featuring fears, fates, burdens of power, memory wars, Sabbath days, Russian writers and timeless questions, years of upheaval, Japanese Jews, and more.
A leading rabbi looks at the theological significance of the honorific given to a Jewish martyr, and explains how it differs from the typical honorific given to the Jewish dead.
The rabbi and podcast host stops by to talk about his new book, Providence and Power: Ten Portraits in Jewish Statesmanship.
The leading rabbi joins us to walk through the fascinating ways that Jews have related to Jerusalem, from the time of King David to today.
A new history of the American right seeks from the first page to alert the reader to what it is not about: the 40th president. But in the end conservatives can’t escape Reagan—nor should they.
The Israeli director and the American rabbi team up to discuss her groundbreaking film about marriage and Jewish life.
Israel’s sixth prime minister was a leader of consequence and achievement. But how does he relate to Israel’s origins?
Parent-child collaborations are rare enough in literary history. Grandparent-grandchild collaborations are unheard of, until the publication this spring of a new study of the book of Ruth.
Meir Soloveichik explains how the seder’s four cups of wine elevate the holiday, while two enthusiasts recommend their favorite wines from the great regions of Jewish viticulture.
Two friends, a leading Catholic thinker and a leading American rabbi, pay tribute to the late chief rabbi, and his legacy both here and in Europe.
This week, we dig through the archives to bring you excerpts from our best conversations on faith, mortality, tradition, obligation, and sin.
A look at the legacy of the man who revitalized Modern Orthodoxy and who was perhaps “the greatest composer of sermons in the English-speaking rabbinic world.”
What Begin’s 1972 elegy for the diaspora reveals about a worldview unique among Israel’s founders.
Some of Mosaic’s regular writers reflect on Neal Kozodoy and his accomplishments.
It’s at once the most famous affirmation of Jewish belief—no other sentence in Judaism is more powerful—and the most misunderstood.
It will be either pro or con.
The rabbi and public intellectual comes by our studio to discuss the meaning of kashrut, with the help of some unusual examples.
Michelangelo’s universally admired depiction of one of history’s most famous Jews is not the least bit Jewish. Take, on the other hand, Rembrandt.
In his rendering of the banishment of Ishmael, the Torah reading for Rosh Hashanah, Rembrandt reminds us of the bond between Jews and humanity at large.
A tale of two paintings and one city.
How does the great painter render the tale of Balaam and the ass?
To perceive without seeing, and to utilize sight to sharpen rather than to detract from insight, is an essential Jewish task. This is the challenge that Rembrandt allows us to glimpse.
What Rembrandt’s etching of Joseph and his family shows us about Judaism, and mankind.
If Judaism’s idea of art is one that can truly represent our frail, fallible humanity, then Rembrandt, who captured faces “without any attempt to beautify them,” is the artist for Jews.
A leading historian of American Judaism discusses Abraham Lincoln’s fascination with the Jews—and Jews’ fascination with Lincoln.
Not only strikingly beautiful, his painting of Moses holding the Ten Commandments also happens to be one of the most authentically Jewish works of art ever created.
The key to Jewish continuity lies in observance of Jewish law, a fact Jewish conservatives would do well to remember.
Bokser smells like Limburger cheese. It’s also an embodiment of Jewish vitality and endurance.
An acclaimed food writer and culinary historian knew that to understand Jewish food was to understand Judaism itself.
The reason Jews can’t pray at Judaism’s holiest site.
The Orthodox Jew discovers a fascinating intellectual anomaly: a non-rabbinic Jew who approaches the Bible with deep reverence.
The most famous Jewish practice is really about love and national loyalty.