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The Truth of the Capture of Adolf Eichmann
June  The Affability of Evil

The Truth of the Capture of Adolf Eichmann

Sixty years ago, the infamous Nazi official was abducted in Argentina and brought to Israel. What really happened, what did Hollywood make up, and why?

Ecstasy and Amnesia in the Gaza Strip

Ecstasy and Amnesia in the Gaza Strip

Three catastrophes, all marked by euphoria at the start and denial at the end, have shaped the Palestinian predicament. Has the fourth arrived, and is the same dynamic playing out?

What Christians See in Jews and Israel in 2020 of the Common Era
July  Christians and Jews in 2020

What Christians See in Jews and Israel in 2020 of the Common Era

Christians are today closer to the Jewish people than they’ve been in thousands of years. What are the sources of this momentous rapprochement, and how likely is it to hold?

Was There an Exodus?

Was There an Exodus?

Many are sure that one of Judaism’s central events never happened. Evidence, some published here for the first time, suggests otherwise.

Obama's Secret Iran Strategy
February  Behind Obama's Foreign Policy

Obama’s Secret Iran Strategy

The president has long been criticized for his lack of strategic vision. But what if a strategy, centered on Iran, has been in place from the start and consistently followed to this day?

Israel's Demographic Miracle
May  The Changing Face of Israeli Society

Israel’s Demographic Miracle

Birthrates are falling across the world, especially in developed nations—except in one. How did mainstream, middle-class Israelis start having children again, and what does it mean?

The Jewish Schools of the Future
August  Jewish Education and the COVID Crisis

The Jewish Schools of the Future

After the Great Disruption, a new renaissance can emerge, marrying Jewish classical education and novel technology, and confronting the cultural crisis with Jewish exceptionalism.

What Do Palestinians Want?
November  Palestinian Public Opinion

What Do Palestinians Want?

It’s time to take a close look at an often ignored subject: what ordinary Palestinians think about Israel, Jews, and terrorist attacks on civilians.

Where Is the Jews’ Homeland?
May  Zionism Before Zionism

Where Is the Jews’ Homeland?

Elsewhere than Zion, said the greatest Hebrew poet of the 19th century—until he changed his mind, paving the way for others.

Everybody Loves Israel

Everybody Loves Israel

Formerly neutral or hostile countries from across the world, including Saudi Arabia and China, are now eagerly courting the Jewish state. What’s going on?

The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaration
June  The 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration

The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaration

For 100 years the British statement, which inaugurated Zionism’s legitimation in the eyes of the world, has been seen as the isolated act of a single nation. The truth is much different.