Free for Subscribers Like You: Join Us on Jerusalem Day

RSVP now for a private discussion on a crucial and newly translated speech by Israel’s sixth prime minister on the city in which we were all born.

May 21 2020
About the authors

Menachem Begin was the sixth prime minister of Israel.

Michael Doran is a senior fellow and director of the Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East at Hudson Institute. The author of Ike’s Gamble: America’s Rise to Dominance in the Middle East (2016), he is also a former deputy assistant secretary of defense and a former senior director of the National Security Council. He tweets @doranimated.

Neil Rogachevsky teaches at the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University and is the author of Israel’s Declaration of Independence: The History and Political Theory of the Nation’s Founding Moment, published in 2023 by Cambridge University Press.

“Brisk. From there we came. But we were born in Jerusalem.”

On May 14, Mosaic published the world’s first English translation of an unearthed speech by Menachem Begin, Israel’s sixth prime minister. The speech is at once an elegy to the murdered Jews of Eastern Europe, and a tribute to Jerusalem, the eternal home of the Jewish people.

Now we invite you to join the speech’s translator Neil Rogachevsky and Begin expert (and Mosaic regular) Michael Doran for a webcast discussion of the speech, the religious and political ideas it contains, the city of Jerusalem, and Begin’s remarkable career of Zionist leadership. The discussion will take place the evening of Jerusalem Day, on Thursday, May 21, at 7:00 pm U.S. Eastern time.

And how do you join? Easy. Current paid subscribers should just RSVP here and we’ll send you a link on Thursday.

(Not yet a subscriber? Subscribe here by Thursday and we’ll send you a link too.)

It’s that simple. You, Rogachevsky, and Doran, talking about Begin and Jerusalem next Thursday at 7:00 pm.


From the Speech



Shrouded by the awe of the day, by the purity of the holy ones and the holiness of the pure ones and the love of its lovers, the city of our birth appears before my eyes. The city of our youth, in which we were born and bred, learned and suffered, and dreamed the dreams of our youth: about its streets and its alleys, about its sands in summer and its swamps in winter, about its gardens and its two rivers; about its Jews and its Gentiles, about the love that dwelt there, and the trauma inflicted on its Jews, about all the good that was there and all that was the opposite—the city of our birth.




Date: Thursday, May 21

Time: 7:00 pm U.S. Eastern

How: RSVP here and we’ll send you a link on Thursday.

Where: Your computer, smartphone, tablet, or TV. A Zoom videoconference link will be emailed to all qualifying subscribers before the event.

Who: Michael Doran and Neil Rogachevsky in conversation, moderated by Mosaic‘s editor Jonathan Silver.


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More about: Israel & Zionism