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RSVP now for a private discussion on a crucial and newly translated speech by Israel’s sixth prime minister on the city in which we were all born.

May 19, 2020 | Menachem Begin, Michael Doran, Neil Rogachevsky
About the author: Menachem Begin was the sixth prime minister of Israel. Michael Doran is a senior fellow and director of the Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East at Hudson Institute. The author of Ike’s Gamble: America’s Rise to Dominance in the Middle East (2016), he is also a former deputy assistant secretary of defense and a former senior director of the National Security Council. He tweets @doranimated. Neil Rogachevsky teaches at the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University and is the author of Israel’s Declaration of Independence: The History and Political Theory of the Nation’s Founding Moment, published in 2023 by Cambridge University Press.