Zosa Szajkowski: Great Jewish Historian . . . and Kleptomaniac? https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/history-ideas/2015/07/zosa-szajkowski-great-jewish-historian-and-kleptomaniac/

July 27, 2015 | Lisa Leff
About the author:

Zosa Szajkowski (1911-1978), a Polish-born Jew who spent most of his life in France and the U.S., was an accomplished Jewish historian and archivist. During and after World War II, he worked tirelessly to get materials relevant to Jewish history out of Europe. But as Lisa Leff shows in a recent book, he also stole materials from archives, sometimes selling them to other institutions. In an interview, Leff discusses his bizarre career. (Interview by Sara Ivry; audio, about 30 minutes.)

Read more on Tablet: http://www.tabletmag.com/podcasts/192231/lisa-leff-archive-thief