A Vast, 2nd-Century Military Base Found in Northern Israel https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/history-ideas/2024/02/a-vast-2nd-century-military-base-found-in-northern-israel/

February 16, 2024 | Gavriel Fiske
About the author:

Near Tel Megiddo—the site of the ancient fortress that gave English the word Armageddon—Israeli archaeologists have recently discovered that what they once thought were the remains of a Roman military outpost were in fact part of a much larger army base including many buildings and its own roads. Gavriel Fiske reports:

The 1,800-year-old site, which has been the subject of several seasons of excavations, is now known to be “a huge, complete camp. It’s not something you find every day, it’s very rare and important,” Dr. Yotam Tepper, lead archaeologist, explained.

The permanent military base housed over 5,000 soldiers of the Roman Legio VI Ferrata, known as the “Sixth Ironclad Legion,” for over 180 years, from 117 or 120 to around 300 CE, the Israel Antiquities Authority said. The Sixth Legion had a storied, centuries-long history in Roman annals, and fought against Judean/Jewish forces during both the Jewish War (66–73 CE) and the Bar Kochba revolt (135–136 CE).

Read more on Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/buildings-roads-in-huge-complete-roman-era-military-base-revealed-by-excavations/