The Rabbi Who Was the First Non-Christian to Pray at the Republican National Convention

July 19, 2024 | Jack Jenkins
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On the opening night of the Republican National Convention, Harmeet Kaur Dhillon offered a traditional Sikh prayer, provoking criticism from some, mostly online, corners of the right. (Perhaps the most fervent attack came from the anti-Semitic social-media personality Nick Fuentes.) As Jack Jenkins points out, Dhillon did the same at the 2016 convention, as did another Sikh in 2012. Jenkins then turns to the first Jew to lead prayers at a party convention:

The tradition of including non-Christian voices at the major party conventions goes back more than a century at least, to an invocation given by Rabbi Samuel Sale, of St. Louis, when the Republican convention was held there in 1896. Sale’s appearance, according to a New York Times report from the time, was the result of a political compromise: the Republican Party’s Catholic and Protestant factions were so bitterly opposed to each other that a rabbi was a safer choice than a pastor or a priest from either Christian tradition.

Sale, who was known for advocating for a “universal day of rest” in the way of the Jewish Sabbath, said in his prayer, “Fill us with a deep and abiding sense of the transcendent dignity and nobility of American citizenship and of the sacred obligations that should attend it. . . .”

Four years later, Democrats called on a rabbi at their convention as well, and ever since, rabbis have been regular guests at gatherings for both parties.

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