Christopher Columbus Might Have Had Jewish Ancestry. Or Maybe Not

October 15, 2024 | Menachem Wecker
About the author: Menachem Wecker, a freelance journalist based in Washington DC, covers art, culture, religion, and education for a variety of publications.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s newsletter, I thought widely circulated claims, put forth in a recent Spanish television documentary, of conclusive genetic evidence that Christopher Columbus was Jewish—or even had Jewish ancestry—were a little overblown. In fact, it’s not even entirely clear the DNA researchers analyzed belonged to the famed explorer, even if there is reason to believe so. Menachem Wecker investigated the claims, and spoke with a variety of experts, among them the historian of New World Sephardim Ronnie Perelis:

 “For over a century, if not since his own lifetime, people have been obsessed with Columbus’s origins. He is a fascinating, flawed and enigmatic figure. . . . I encourage people to read his own writings to appreciate his complex identity—he was an autodidact, who took advantage of the explosion of knowledge after the birth of printing to create an eclectic theology that had many Judaic elements—but in a deeply Christian, mystical vein,” Perelis said.

Matt Goldish, another expert on Sephardi Jewry Wecker interviewed, provides some additional context, and raised a different kind of skepticism:

“The ahistorical attitude that Columbus is to blame for everything Europeans did in the Americas is itself highly problematic. If you look at his biography, you learn that he was very careful with native people and was not a slave owner, which was not so common for hidalgos,” or noblemen, Goldish said.

“He is, however, used as the fulcrum on which to place all blame for the sins of Europeans in the Americas,” Goldish told JNS. “Once Columbus is to blame for everything, the anti-Semitism melds with the post-colonial and postmodern trends to create a truly dangerous idea.”

He noted that post-colonialists view Zionism as a European movement “to steal Palestine from the poor native Arabs. . . . As ahistorical as this claim is, it may create a perfect storm of Jew-hatred if the same Jews caused the destruction of native American civilization and of native Palestinian civilization. . . . We might next expect a conspiracy picture out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but coming from the left this time.”

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