From newspapers and television stations, to the committee that appoints Supreme Court justices, to the body responsible for overseeing school curricula, a number of key Israeli institutions have long been under the de-facto control of the left. As Evelyn Gordon points out, many have complained about this situation, but very few have tried to change it:
[A]n intellectual or cultural elite isn’t just a random collection of individuals who produce intellectual or cultural output; it’s a power center. And while Israel’s center-right produces both intellectuals and artists, not only has it failed to mobilize these resources to pose any real challenge to the left’s cultural dominance, but for the most part, it hasn’t even tried. Instead, it makes do with whining. . . .
[L]eftists didn’t achieve their dominance of these power centers by divine decree; they achieved it through decades of intensive effort. So if the right wants to contest left-wing domination of the intellectual and cultural elite, it needs to invest equivalent effort. If it just keeps waiting for the left to share this power of its own accord, it will be waiting until the messiah comes.
More about: Israel & Zionism, Israel Prize, Israeli culture, Israeli left, Israeli Supreme Court