Is Genuine Peace Possible with Mahmoud Abbas?

March 26, 2015 | Yossi Kuperwasser
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No, argues Yossi Kuperwasser. The president of the Palestinian Authority has made it clear that his basic principles won’t allow any agreement that Israel can seriously consider (free registration required):

Abbas rejected the formula developed by the Americans a year ago as the basis for continued negotiations, since in practice it included recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. . . . [He believes] that the Palestinians continue to prefer not to establish a state if it involves recognition of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, which would mean concessions on the commitment to a Palestinian state in all of Palestine, including Israel itself.

The ongoing incitement of the Palestinian public has been designed to buttress these fundamental principles. In recent years, I have focused on following the issue and unfortunately have seen thousands of examples of incitement on the part of the Palestinian Authority and its leaders. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to establish genuine peace, and as we have seen in Gaza, every concession will be irreversible and will serve as a basis for expanding the effort at achievement of the ultimate goal.

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