Israeli National Identity: A Work in Progress

March 3, 2015 | Ran Baratz
About the author: Ran Baratz is founder of the Hebrew-language conservative magazine Mida, the author of a weekly column for the newspaper Makor Rishon, and teaches at various academic and educational institutions in Israel.

Ran Baratz, founding editor of the conservative Israeli website Mida, speaks about the Iran threat, the condition of Israel’s Arab minority, and Israel’s evolving national character. Criticizing the lingering tendency of his countrymen to identify themselves politically and socially by ideology, degree of religious observance, and other such markers, he is hopeful that these boundaries are eroding. (Interview by Yishai Fleisher; audio, 25 minutes.)

Most Israelis are traditionalists; they love Judaism. . . . Those who have separated themselves from the Israeli nation, and just want to live in a small village with people who are exactly as they are—they will find themselves to be uninfluential. They will just be left behind culturally.

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