Setting the Agenda for the New Netanyahu Government

March 20, 2015 | Mida
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With the election over, what should be the priorities of Israel’s new government? The editors of Mida have three suggestions: rolling back the power of Israel’s judicial tyranny, improving internal security, and fostering economic growth. About the last item, they write:

So the Netanyahu government should put helping the business sector at the top of its agenda for the next few years. The barber, the welder, the music-store owner, and the aluminum plant founder should find it as easy to set up shop and make a go at it as the high-tech start-up guy. Entrepreneurship, risk, production, and trade are what Israel needs right now. Put differently: much less public-sector and government growth, much more business growth. We need to burn through the red tape, break down convoluted licensing barriers, eliminate labor laws that make it increasingly difficult actually to hire workers, and wage war on a bureaucratic system that makes it next to impossible for business owners to register property, build a structure, or get electricity.

It won’t be easy. Many powerful people have an interest in preserving the present system—especially the big businesses that can afford to comply with the burdensome regulation that protects them from competition by smaller upstarts. Another powerful force vested in the current system is the “social justice” lobby, which believes in expanding government investment and employment to close gaps and all sorts of other populist boondoggles.

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