An Inside Look at the Chilling of U.S.-Israel Relations

June 11, 2015 | John Podhoretz
About the author: John Podhoretz is the editor of Commentary.

In his recent memoir, Michael Oren describes his four years as Israel’s ambassador to the U.S.—which coincided with Barack Obama’s first term in office—and the constant hostility toward the Jewish state he encountered during his tenure. John Podhoretz writes:

On major matters, the [Obama] administration seemed to hold Israel accountable for problems it had nothing to do with. . . . Oren also writes about bizarrely petty offenses. In 2010, Obama left Israel off a list of countries he mentioned as having helped in the wake of the Haiti earthquake when it was the first nation in the world to dispatch relief teams and get them to the disaster sites—because the president was angry about something having to do with the peace process.

Even when the administration is acting friendly, Oren senses it is doing so not out of genuine fellow feeling but to keep Israel close—hugging it to prevent it from acting, especially when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program.

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