Louis Marano worked for over two decades as a journalist, and based his recent novel The Tribalist—about a non-Jewish journalist covering the Middle East—on his own experiences. Edward Alexander describes the book as “a love song by a Gentile journalist for the state of Israel.” He writes in his review:
In Marano’s novel, politics becomes primary and in fact more interesting than the romantic adventures and misadventures of the book’s protagonist, the reporter and columnist Frank DiRaimo, a barely disguised fictional version of the author. His first love is not really any of these women but the land of Israel and the people of Israel. He knows, almost by instinct, that Israeli Jews, including (if not especially) the secular ones, really belong to a community of faith.
He is powerfully impressed by young Jewish soldiers: “These young people were standing guard, protecting their tribe. Something about this was so elemental, so primal, that it stirred Frank’s soul. . . . He felt the presence of something precious that had been devalued, discarded, and finally redeemed. It was like discovering a unicorn on a lost island.”
More about: Israel & Zionism, Jewish-Christian relations, Journalism, Literature, Middle East