A Close Look at the Palestinian Authority’s Textbooks https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/israel-zionism/2016/03/a-close-look-at-the-palestinian-authoritys-textbooks/

March 4, 2016 | Dov Lieber
About the author:

Featuring the glorification of martyrdom, maps from which Israel is missing, and promises of hellfire for infidels, the textbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority cannot be said to be preparing a generation of young Palestinians for peaceful coexistence with the Jewish state. Dov Lieber writes:

In the Palestinian history books for grades ten through twelve, there are full chapters dedicated to World War II but no mention of the Holocaust. . . . Islamic-studies textbooks . . . celebrate martyrdom, including a fourth-grade textbook that invites the children to write about a Palestinian martyr of their choice. . . . The issue of paradise and the division between believers (Muslims) and nonbelievers permeate the textbooks. . . .

The erasure of Israel’s physical existence begins early, with cartoons in first-grade textbooks showing stores in Arab Palestine—among them a pharmacy in Safed, a supermarket in Haifa, and a candy store in Beersheba. All three cities were under Israeli control long before 1967.

Read more on Times of Israel: http://www.timesofisrael.com/no-education-toward-2-states-in-palestinian-textbooks-report-finds/