The BDS Movement Threatens Arabs as Much as Israel

September 8, 2016 | Abed Almaala
About the author:

Supporters of the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction the Jewish state (BDS) claim to be motivated by concern for the well-being of Palestinians. In fact, writes Abed Almaala, a leader of Jordan’s parliamentary opposition, BDS’s success would be disastrous for them as well as for Israel’s Arab neighbors.

Israel is at the forefront of the war against terror in [the Levant], ‎and if Israel is hurt, [the region] will suffer, and Jordan will suffer the most.‎ Therefore, BDS is a threat to us all—a threat to America as much as it is a threat to ‎Israel, Jordan, and [my] Palestinian brothers.‎

BDS claims to target Israel because Israel oppresses the Palestinians. If so, why does BDS never target Jordan, [whose government] oppresses and destroys the lives ‎of . . . Jordanians of Palestinian origins, and where many of my own people, the Bedouin Jordanians, go hungry?‎

Why does BDS never boycott Lebanon, where Palestinians are banned from working ‎as taxi drivers? Why does it not boycott Syria, where President Bashar Assad has killed thousands of Palestinians ‎in the Yarmouk [refugee] camp?‎ Admit it, BDS: you are racists and anti-Semites.‎ . . .

We Arabs have boycotted Israel for 70 years. Where has it gotten us? We are ‎light-years behind Israel in technology and the economy. We in ‎Jordan must put an end to this situation and begin learning from our Israeli friends.‎

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