The Jews’ Three-Thousand Year History in Jerusalem

March 30, 2018 | Dore Gold
About the author: Dore Gold, president of the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs, is a former ambassador of Israel to the United Nations (1997-1999) and the author of, among other books , Hatred’s Kingdom, The Fight for Jerusalem, and The Rise of Nuclear Iran.

Since at least the 1990s, Palestinian leaders—aided and abetted by Western academics and by the United Nations—have sought to undermine Jewish claims to Jerusalem, going so far as to question that it was the capital of an ancient Jewish kingdom, and denying the existence of the First and Second Temples. Dore Gold details these efforts and then outlines the superabundance of evidence against them—from archaeological discoveries, to the Jews’ continued presence in the city long before the modern Zionist movement, to Israel’s present legal and moral claims. (Video, 43 minutes.)

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