Yossi Klein Halevi Makes an Eloquent Case for Israel, but Will Any Palestinians Read Him? https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/israel-zionism/2018/06/yossi-klein-halevi-makes-an-eloquent-case-for-israel-but-will-any-palestinians-read-him/

June 27, 2018 | Elliot Kaufman
About the author: Elliot Kaufman is the letters editor for the Wall Street Journal.

In Letters to a Palestinian Neighbor, Yossi Klein Halevi addresses a hypothetical Palestinian correspondent in an effort to explain the forces that animate Zionism and the Israeli position in its conflict with the Palestinians. Elliot Kaufman admits that the book’s opening passages induced only skepticism, but his reaction changed as he read on:

Capturing the enduring Jewish love of the land of Israel and the magic as well as the dilemmas of Zionism, the letters are highly compelling. There is no one better suited to tell the story of Israel and the Jewish people than Halevi—and not just to Palestinians. An inspired reading of the Israeli soul, Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor should be recommended to non-Jews and Jews alike.

Halevi offers Jews a model of productive engagement, teaching by example how to speak about Israel not just with sensitivity but also with honesty and integrity. And yet Halevi would be the first to admit that if only Jews buy his book, it will have been a failure. In order to reach everyday Palestinians, Halevi has released the Arabic translation of his book for free online. But of course he cannot compel his Palestinian neighbor to read it. . . .  And it is not altogether clear why Halevi thinks Palestinians will [resonate to his words] now, or even why listening to one another’s stories will help break the deadlock and achieve some real understanding. . . .

Halevi suggests that intimacy between Palestinians and Israelis could create a “basis for political flexibility, for letting go of absolutist claims,” and for fighting through the pain of trauma. “We must know each other’s dreams and fears” so both parties can work around some of their own. Here, Halevi is at his best. He recognizes that until the Palestinians understand the Jewish attachment to the entire biblical land of Israel, any partition will remain unthinkable. . . .

While Halevi may verge on the sentimental in matters of religion, when it comes to politics, he hopes for only enough intimacy to convince the Palestinians that they must respect a border. “No two people who have fought a hundred-year existential war,” he writes, “can share the intimate workings of government.” Furthermore, he recognizes that even a Palestinian cold peace would probably require a miracle. . . . If, one day, a Palestinian of Halevi’s stature publishes Letters to My Jewish Neighbor, and his book is imbued with the same understanding, charity, and dignity, we will know that the miracle is under way.

Read more on Commentary: https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/dear-evan-palestinian/