Closing the PLO Office in Washington Was the Right Move, but Cutting Funding to an East Jerusalem Hospital Wasn’t

September 17, 2018 | Elliott Abrams
About the author: Elliott Abrams is a senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and is the chairman of the Tikvah Fund.

In the past several months, the Trump administration has taken a number of measures that make clear that it will no longer turn a blind eye to the misbehavior of the Palestinian leadership, the most recent being the decision to shutter a Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington. Elliott Abrams applauds all of these measures but one:

The decision to close the PLO office in Washington was correct. . . . The PLO is not a state with which the U.S. has diplomatic relations, and the PLO has a long history of support for terrorism. Today, PLO funds pay terrorists pensions and rewards in accordance with the seriousness of their crimes and the length of their sentences; that is why Congress passed the Taylor Force Act that requires an end to U.S. funding of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and PLO unless payments for terror stop. . . .

The decision to cut aid levels was correct, given the refusal of the PA to stop its payments to terrorists and its glorification of terror, and given its increasingly authoritarian rule in the West Bank. . . . But [there should be] one exception: Augusta Victoria hospital in eastern Jerusalem, and the East Jerusalem Hospital Network of which it is a part. . . . Defunding [these hospitals] does not harm the PA or PLO, does not punish the Palestinian leadership that is making terrible decisions, and does not help Israel, but does potentially harm Palestinians who have no role in Palestinian politics.

I don’t understand why the administration decided to cut the hospital funding. [But] mistakes can be rectified, and . . . I hope the administration reconsiders and provides the funds.

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