The Right Way for the Biden Administration to Help the Palestinians

February 15, 2021 | Peter Berkowitz
About the author: Peter Berkowitz is the Tad and Dianne Taube Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. In 2019 and 2020, he served as Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. State Department. His writings are posted at

Perhaps the most consistent criticism leveled against the Abraham Accords by the foreign-policy establishment was that they betrayed or undermined Palestinians—despite the fact that over half a century of Arab refusal to have normal diplomatic relations with Israel doesn’t appear to have done much to help them. Indeed, argues Peter Berkowitz, the present moment offers opportunities for Washington to improve the situation of the Palestinians, especially if it is willing to reject the regnant “all-or-nothing approach.”

First, the Biden administration must be persuaded that the Abraham Accords have transformed the dynamics of Middle East politics. Largely staffed with former Democratic-party officials who cling to the old catechism, the new administration has yet to emancipate itself from the disproven conventional wisdom that the only policy toward the Israel-Palestinian conflict worth pursuing is one of near-term comprehensive peace.

Second, the private sector must be encouraged to invest in the West Bank. Instead of spearheading government-led development projects, the United States should help create conditions favorable to private investment. . . . Rather than government officials and national bureaucracies, it should be entrepreneurs, financiers, and philanthropists—from the Gulf states, Israel, the United States, and, of no small importance, the areas under Palestinian Authority jurisdiction—who should be given room to identify and pursue profitable and useful ventures that create opportunities and improve the Palestinians’ condition.

Third, Israel’s broader security perspective must be taken into account in fashioning reasonable concessions and compromises.

To complete the break from the failed past—and improve the long-term prospects for peace for all parties—it will be necessary to implement genuinely incremental measures that, without prejudging the most difficult issues, improve Palestinian lives while preserving Israeli security.

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