When It Comes to the Jerusalem Consulate, the U.S. Should Do Nothing https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/israel-zionism/2022/01/when-it-comes-to-the-jerusalem-consulate-the-u-s-should-do-nothing/

January 3, 2022 | Shany Mor and Enia Krivine
About the author:

In October, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated Joe Biden’s campaign promise to reopen the American consulate in Israel’s capital—the functions of which have been taken over by the new U.S. embassy in the city—so it can serve as a de-facto mission to the Palestinian Authority. Such a move would run counter to diplomatic precedent, undermine Israeli sovereignty, and—as Shany Mor and Enia Krivine point out—violate American law. But there are other reasons to avoid it:

In theory, an American diplomatic mission to the Palestinians makes plenty of sense. It signals American commitment to a negotiated peace and helps to shore up the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, led by the aged and ailing President Mahmoud Abbas, whose popularity compares unfavorably to that of Hamas. A consulate would facilitate communication to the Palestinian government and Palestinian people, crucial not just as it relates to the conflict with Israel but a range of issues, from global jihad to vaccine transfers.

The practical solution to this problem is to open a new U.S. consulate at the center of Palestinian life in the West Bank where commerce, civil society, and government reside: Ramallah. It would not be the only such mission. More than two dozen countries have diplomatic missions in Ramallah, including China, India, and several Arab states.

However, placing the U.S. mission in Ramallah would be wildly unpopular with the Palestinians and would cause problems for Biden domestically, as the far left would perceive the decision as ceding Jerusalem to Israel in toto. As such, the Palestinians demand an American mission in eastern Jerusalem, the hoped-for capital of a future Palestinian state.

There are no good moves available to the Biden administration. Upsetting America’s closest regional ally over the placement of a consulate that is both impractical and legally incoherent is a bad move. Placing the consulate in Ramallah would cause the president problems with the Palestinians and domestically. The only credible option for the administration is to maintain the status quo in Jerusalem and hope this blows over.

Read more on Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/courage-strength-optimism/stick-to-status-quo-on-jerusalem-consulate