Why Congress Should Invite Benjamin Netanyahu for a Fourth Speech https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/israel-zionism/2022/11/why-congress-should-invite-benjamin-netanyahu-for-a-fourth-speech/

November 15, 2022 | New York Sun
About the author:

In 2015, the Israeli prime minister addressed a joint session of the House and Senate. The editors of the New York Sun recommend that the new Congress ask him to return:

Mr. Netanyahu is, after all, one of only two foreign leaders to have addressed a joint meeting three times. Winston Churchill used his third speech to dilate on, among other things, how he himself had become a Zionist early in the 20th century and to kvell over Israel’s progress. That speech was in 1952, when Harry Truman was still in office. Were Mr. Netanyahu to be invited back, he’d be the only four-timer.

Mr. Netanyahu could also talk about Israel’s democracy, given the way the latest election is being portrayed in the pro-Democratic press. . . . So Netanyahu could pick up from where he ended his speech last time he addressed Congress. That was where he gestured to the bas-relief of Moses, whose exodus from Egypt helped inspire America’s own early settlers and whose image now overlooks our legislature and whose laws have served as a kind of constitution of the Jewish people. We don’t want to press that point to any inappropriate degree, but neither would we ignore it.

We are struck that in recent years not a single world leader—including Presidents Biden and Macron, say, or Prime Minister Johnson or Chancellor Merkel—has given a major strategic speech or call to global action. Who better to do that than Mr. Netanyahu, a combat veteran, a son of one of the West’s greatest historians and, by time in grade, a senior statesman? What an opportunity for the 118th Congress to get off on a historic footing.

Read more on New York Sun: https://www.nysun.com/article/will-there-be-a-fourth-speech-to-congress-by-netanyahu