In general, listening to a broad debate about the Israel-Palestinian conflict seems an exercise in futility, unless all you seek a chance to applaud your side for scoring points. Most of the time, the result is shouting or sloganeering, or hearing the supposedly pro-Palestinian side resort to libels, lies, and distortions. This conversation, about the desirability of creating a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River, is the exception: the interlocutors on both sides are intelligent, informed, free of the staggering naïveté that dominates so much discussion of the topic, and arguing in good faith. Dennis Ross and Mohammed Dajani make the case for “yes,” Elliott Abrams and Fleur Hassan-Nahoum for “no.” (Moderated by John Donvan. Video, 67 minutes. A transcript can be found at the link below.)
More about: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Two-State Solution