On October 13, 2023, Mosaic published an article by Aaron MacLean, a veteran of America’s war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, and one of America’s smartest military analysts, on strategic options facing the Jewish state in one of its darkest moments. He recently returned from a visit to Israel, where he embedded with the IDF in Gaza and observed fighting on the northern front. In the podcast below, you can hear his reflections on what he saw—ranging from tactical analysis to grand strategy—and hear parts of his on-location conversations with Israeli commanders. He concludes by considering what America can learn from the war being fought by one of its closest allies. (Audio, 78 minutes.)
And in this brief video, you can see MacLean speaking with the Israeli security analyst Sarit Zehavi when a rocket barrage interrupts their conversation:
I recently embedded with the IDF and saw firsthand Israel’s war with Hezbollah and Hamas. What lessons can Americans learn from Israel’s year of fighting for its survival? Out today on @schoolofwarpod.https://t.co/8s01TybKaG pic.twitter.com/QRR7h6zuIt
— Aaron MacLean (@AaronBMacLean) December 10, 2024
Read more on School of War: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-163-school-of-war-goes-to-israel-lessons-from-a-savage-year/id1589160645?i=1000679874989