In his essay for Mosaic last month, Jack Wertheimer found much evidence that there has been a revival of synagogue attendance and interest in religious observance among American Jewry since October 7. The political scientist Asif Efrat believes something similar has been happening in Israel:
Efrat states that the findings clearly indicate an increase in the Israelis’ level of religiosity due to the influence of the war. “The implication of the data is that the war has brought Israelis closer to religion, and this closeness has intensified with the continuation of the conflict,” he says.
Efrat added: “Thirty-seven percent of individuals aged eighteen to thirty-five have reported an increase in their belief in God since the outbreak of the war, compared to only 18 percent among those aged fifty-six and older. Similarly, young adults reported a higher rate of adherence to religious tradition. The trend of Israel becoming more religious has been well-established, long before the war.”
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