The Catholics Speaking for the Jews

October 24, 2023 | Mary Eberstadt
About the author:

Fortunately, the Jews do have a few friends, and these include the Coalition of Catholics against Anti-Semitism, whose first annual conference, scheduled several months ago, begins today at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. Mary Eberstadt writes:

I have spoken to several Jewish friends since October 7 and its fallout about the devastation to Israeli and American families, the outrageous behavior on some elite secular campuses, and the conference at Franciscan University. One after another, all have said they were amazed to see Catholics taking the initiative to stand alongside them. That reaction tells us something vital: the truth that Christians should help Jews because we are Christians is both powerful and underutilized.

The de-churching of large parts of the West is no neutral social trend. It never has been. Not only is rising secularism producing people who believe there is no truth—what Pope Benedict XVI dubbed “the tyranny of relativism.” Even worse, a sizeable number of the students of that tyranny are now not only post-Christian, but pre-civilization: cheering on a world in which the most feral rule and rampage as they will, and empathy vanishes.

You can read the rest of the article at the link below. For more on the subject I also recommend this, by Amanda Achtman.

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