A Mormon University’s Star Jewish Quarterback https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/jewish-world/2024/11/a-mormon-universitys-star-jewish-quarterback/

November 21, 2024 | Hannah Schoenbaum
About the author:

Neither Division 1 college football nor Utah are known for having particularly large numbers of Jews, but this year Utah’s Brigham Young University has a Jewish quarterback who has led its team to a string of victories. And unlike Jewish students on other campuses, Jake Retzlaff has no worries about advertising his religion. Hannah Schoenbaum writes:

Retzlaff has earned a hero’s embrace by rabbis and others in Provo’s tiny but tight-knit Jewish community while also becoming a favorite of the broader BYU fan base that lovingly calls him the “BYJew.” One of just three Jewish students in a student body of 35,000, the quarterback and team co-captain who worked his way into the starting lineup has used his newfound stardom to teach others about his own faith while taking steps to learn more about Judaism for himself.

[Retzlaff] wears a silver Star of David necklace on campus and attends dinners on Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, at the rabbi’s house during the offseason. He led Utah County’s first public Hanukkah menorah lighting last year at Provo’s historic courthouse, brought a kosher food truck to a team weight training, and wrapped tefillin with [the local rabbi] in the BYU stadium.

Read more on Seattle Times: https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/byu-quarterback-jake-retzlaff-brings-touchdowns-and-jewish-teachings-to-predominantly-mormon-school/