In 2009, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) sued the online retailer for selling dozens of neo-Nazi books on its German website—books that have been banned in Germany. Yet not only are Amazon’s European websites still selling such books, they are now available on the U.S. website as well. Ron Radosh writes:
You will find [available on Amazon] The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews, The Six Million: Fact or Fiction, and many other such vile specimens of “literature.” If you don’t think readers are convinced by [such books], just look at the comments of those who have read [them]. . . .
[M]y concern for how such Nazi-like rot is so easily available for purchase should not lead to the accusation that I am calling for censorship. These modern deluded and insane racists can freely write and publish their own writings, and undoubtedly do sell them at “White Nationalist” events. Their availability does not mean that Amazon has to make them available for a wider public. The fact that these books exist does not mean [Amazon] must sell them.
Clearly, the AJC’s 2009 suit did not work. It’s time for Amazon to look carefully through its catalogue and delete these and other similar books for good.
More about: Anti-Semitism, Censorship, Internet, neo-Nazis, Politics & Current Affairs