“Huffington Post” Outsources its Arabic Site to the Muslim Brotherhood https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/politics-current-affairs/2015/07/huffington-post-outsources-its-arabic-site-to-the-muslim-brotherhood/

July 31, 2015 | Alex Rowell
About the author:

This week, Huffington Post launched an Arabic-language website run by two loyal supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the Islamist parent organization of Hamas. Alex Rowell writes:

[P]resumably, few readers . . . will have expected the liberal American media juggernaut to launch a venture headed by two prominent figures of the Middle East’s religious right.

[The site’s editor-in chief, Anas] Fouda, previously an executive producer at Al Jazeera Arabic (AJA), is managing the website in partnership with his old boss, the former AJA director general, Wadah Khanfar. Their profiles may make for interesting perusal for existing Huffington Post readers unfamiliar with the Arabic-language media landscape.

An Egyptian national now living in Turkey, Fouda was arrested in the United Arab Emirates in 2013 on suspicion of affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)—an affiliation which he freely admitted had existed since 1988, though he claimed to have held no formal party role since 1995. A browse of his Twitter timeline shows his politics to be fairly bread-and-butter MB; recommending, for instance, articles praising “His Eminence” Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Holocaust-revisionist cleric who routinely denounces Shiite and Alawite Muslims, to say nothing of Jews. Indeed, Fouda has himself on occasion found less than obliging things to say about his Semitic cousins. . . .

Khanfar, however, is the heavyweight of the pair; the man who made Al Jazeera the titan of Arabic media that it is today. He’s also, according to ex-colleagues, the man who made Al Jazeera the Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece that it is today.

Read more on NOW: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/blogs/565665-huffpost-arabics-muslim-brotherhood-connections