Does Mass Migration of Muslim Refugees Pose a Threat to European Jewry?

November 3, 2015 | Elliott Abrams
About the author: Elliott Abrams is a senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and is the chairman of the Tikvah Fund.

Leaders of Germany’s Jewish community recently met with Chancellor Angela Merkel to express their fears that the waves of migrants streaming into Germany are bringing anti-Semitism with them. Elliott Abrams comments:

It’s a fact that the terrorist attacks against European Jews in recent years have been made by Muslims, all with North African backgrounds except for Amedy Coulibaly, who murdered four Jews at a kosher grocery in Paris in January; he was from a Malian Muslim family. So it’s not a great surprise that the arrival of very many more immigrants from countries where hatred of Jews is rife would give rise to fears in Jewish communities. It is difficult to know what should be done in the face of the risk of more and more anti-Semitic violence, which has already made Jewish life dangerous in many European cities. . . .

The general position of Jewish communities over the decades has been pro-immigration, welcoming refugees. Today some of those communities are wondering whether they are going to see the dangers facing Jewish life increase. If [it is true that] when refugees cannot be integrated well there is a great risk of exacerbating tensions with non-Muslim communities, the future will almost certainly be even more difficult for the Jews of Europe.

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