The U.S. Must Take Swift Action against Iran

February 2, 2017 | Michaela Dodge
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The Islamic Republic tested a medium-range ballistic missile on Sunday, in violation of the UN Security Council’s resolution ratifying the nuclear deal. Michaela Dodge comments:

The nuclear deal, adopted in 2015, effectively rewarded Iran’s noncompliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency inspections and regional support for terrorism by giving it billions of dollars. The agreement failed to dismantle key elements of Iran’s nuclear program, leaving the decision to “go nuclear” firmly in the hands of the Iranians. Iran has already been caught trying clandestinely to procure illicit nuclear and ballistic-missile technologies, including components for biological and chemical weapons.

[President] Trump has multiple tools at his disposal to weaken Iran and strengthen the U.S. position in the region. Most importantly, the administration should ensure that Iran will never obtain a nuclear weapon. It should strictly enforce the [terms of the deal] and not continue to give Iran a free pass on its illicit activities. . . .

The Trump administration should [also] strengthen ballistic-missile defense, not only because of Iran’s ballistic missiles but because ballistic-missile capabilities in the hands of other rogue states are improving. A proper resourcing, emphasis on future technologies (particularly space-based), and a sound re-evaluation of assumptions that guide the current U.S. ballistic-missile defense posture are in order. The Trump administration has precious little time to fill the void left by President Barack Obama’s ill-conceived policies in the region. Swift and strategic action is required.

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