Iranian Textbooks Teach Hatred of America, Arabs, and Jews

March 12, 2021 | David A. Weinberg
About the author:

Having completed a systematic study of Iranian textbooks for the Antidefamation League, David A. Weinberg reports on his findings:

The Iranian state curriculum especially encourages terrorism and political subversion against Arab states. . . . The books also idealize young people who sacrifice their lives to sustain or export the Iranian revolution. Often this involves glorifying child soldiers who fought and died under traumatic circumstances during the Iran-Iraq War, or displaying children wielding weapons of war—including a rocket launcher.

The textbooks . . . claim that America and other Western nations are engaged in a conspiracy to spread disbelief and moral corruption using such tools as drugs and video games, and that Western Christians who try to spread their faith are engaged in this widespread imperialist plot rather than a genuine expression of their religious doctrine.

Unsurprisingly, the state of Israel is targeted for explicit overthrow by Iran’s official textbooks. Graphics in the books today teach the chant “Death to Israel” and feature the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s instruction that “Israel must be wiped out.”

But Tehran’s animus is not directed solely at Israel. Its curriculum also encourages a fundamentally anti-Jewish narrative of human history from ancient to modern times, [and] scapegoats Jews for a range of societal ills. . . . Debates over the appropriate direction for Muslim prayer or the possibility of inaccurate hadiths are presented as the work of immoral Jewish conspiracies. So are Freemason clubs.

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