Left-Wing Critics of Israel Are Using the Language of David Duke and the Hitler Youth https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/politics-current-affairs/2021/07/left-wing-critics-of-israel-are-using-the-language-of-david-duke-and-the-hitler-youth/

July 1, 2021 | Gil Troy
About the author: Gil Troy is distinguished scholar of North American history at McGill University in Montreal. He is the author of  nine books on the American presidency and three books on Zionism, including, most recently, The Zionist Ideas.

Earlier this year, the Israeli organization B’tselem issued a report accusing the Jewish state of implementing “a regime of Jewish supremacy.” The same phrase has appeared recently in a condemnation of Israel written by a group of Jewish-studies professors, an op-ed in a Connecticut news outlet, and a report from a scholar at the prestigious Brookings institution. Gil Troy notes the history of this ugly locution:

Jew-haters [have been obsessed by] Jewish “power,” as Jews endured centuries of powerlessness and persecution. . . . Nazis justified their mass murder of Jews by escalating the canard about Jews controlling the world into a struggle against “Jewish supremacy.”

In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler warned Germans against “the movement for expanding Jewish power on a wider scale and finally subjugating the world to its rule.” . . . The Nazi propaganda rag Der Stürmer railed against “Jewish mastery,” while Washington’s Holocaust Museum houses a photograph of a Hitler Youth proclamation that “Adolf Hitler bricht mit seiner Bewegung die jüdische Vorherrschaft,” [meaning], “Hitler breaks Jewish supremacy with his movement.”

In 2003, on his way to becoming America’s leading white supremacist, David Duke also adopted this theme. In Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question, Duke describes his maturation as an adult who started wondering: “What was it . . . about the Jewish people that inspired such hate” over millennia? After dishonestly cherry-picking certain biblical and talmudic selections, he blamed “Jewish supremacism”—which he defined as “Jewish chauvinism, suspicion, and anger against Gentiles.”

Read more on Newsweek: https://www.newsweek.com/jewish-supremacy-nazi-slur-goes-woke-opinion-1603865