Iran Recruits Pakistanis to Kill Jews in Europe

April 5, 2023 | Oshrit Birvadker
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Last week, Greek police, with help from the Mossad, arrested two men planning an imminent attack on a Chabad House-cum-kosher-restaurant in Athens. Although the terrorists were recruited and supported by Iran, the arrestees and fellow members of their cell were all Pakistani Shiites. Oshrit Birvadker provides some background:

The foiled terror plot in Greece is yet another example of the thriving collaboration between Tehran and Islamabad and how the ayatollah regime has been using Pakistani terror cells across Europe.

Pakistan is not just a safe haven for terrorist groups, it also manages to outsource its most selling product: terrorism. The Pakistanis have a wide network of people across Europe, including labor migrants and organizations helping fund their activity.

Iran has good ties with Pakistan’s spy agencies. Although the conventional wisdom is that the two countries are rivals because of their diverging Islamic character, the two have managed to maintain productive collaboration when it comes to fighting the insurgents in Balochistan [a territory that sits astride the Iran-Pakistan border].

Pakistan and Iran are close on a whole host of issues, including Kashmir. Pakistani-sponsored terrorist groups see Israel as their ultimate enemy despite the lack of direct hostilities. This tactical alliance between Tehran and Islamabad against Israel and the Jews is a very reasonable outcome. My familiarity with Iranian conduct suggests that Tehran wants Jewish blood to be shed, and is willing to collude with any organization that is willing to help, even if the perpetrators are amateurs.

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