Following the Money to an Ill-Conceived U.S. Agreement with Iran

July 12, 2023 | Richard Goldberg
About the author: Richard Goldberg is a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He has served on Capitol Hill, on the U.S. National Security Council, as the chief of staff for Illinois’s governor, and as a Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer.

During the past several weeks, reports have circulated that the Biden administrating is considering a limited deal with the Islamic Republic. Taking as his mantra “follow the money”—the famous dictum from the film All the President’s MenRichard Goldberg discusses the evidence that such an arrangement is in the offing, what it would entail, and what alternatives the U.S. has. He concludes that any agreement that emerges would likely have dangerous consequences for the United States. (Interview by Dan Senor. Audio, 44 minutes.)


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