The same unwillingness to see the barbarity of Hamas about which Phillips complains has been on display in Britain, as the story of the so-called “grooming gangs” in the city of Rotherham has resurfaced in the news. In 2014, a methodical report detailed how a network of men of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin systematically raped hundreds of girls, often as young as eleven, passing them from one to another. The police refused to investigate, and the government repressed information about what happened. Now new evidence has come to light that the problem was even more widespread than anyone realized—with tens if not hundreds of thousands of victims. Stephen Pollard details:
The British state under both the Tories and Labor, as well as Britain’s cultural establishment, has become so infected with an ideologically driven refusal to deny the possibility that there are any deleterious consequences to mass immigration that they will engineer a cover-up of the mass rape of young girls and will label anyone who speaks out as “far right.” Their control over the national discourse is far more potent than the liberal establishment’s in the United States, and with results that beggar belief.
In fact, the Telford Council went out of its way to make life easier for the rapists. Knowing that taxi drivers had been offering children rides in return for sex, in 2006 it suspended licensing enforcement for taxi drivers, removing any barriers to the practice. The inquiry described this decision as “borne entirely out of fear of accusations of racism; it was craven.” The leader of Telford Council in 2016, who co-signed the letter opposing an inquiry, was Shaun Davies. Today he is a Labor MP who sits on the Home Affairs Select Committee.
The poisonous cocktail underlying this scandal is the mix of woke ideology and raw politics. In the mindset of those responsible, multiculturalism trumps all else. Those who point out uncomfortable facts must, by definition, be morally bankrupt.
More about: Crime, United Kingdom