Elli Fischer reviews Yael Ziegler’s recent study of the book of Ruth—traditionally read on the holiday of Shavuot, which begins this Saturday evening:
In Ziegler’s presentation, the book of Ruth is a contrast and corrective to the book of Judges. The opening verse sets the events of Ruth in the era of the Judges . . . and indeed, the book of Ruth is placed immediately after Judges in the Christian canon. Whereas Judges describes an Israelite society plagued by anarchy, godlessness, and self-centeredness, Ruth offers a way out, a recipe for overcoming dissolution and building toward a cohesive and godly society. Ziegler supports this thesis by drawing a series of linguistic and thematic parallels between the book of Ruth and other biblical books, particularly Genesis and Judges.
Read more on Jewish Review of Books: http://jewishreviewofbooks.com/articles/1649/new-gleanings-from-an-old-book/