From Evangelical Christianity to Judaism

August 6, 2015 | Emily Alhadeff
About the author:

So-called “messianic Judaism,” began as a Christian movement, the goal of which was to proselytize Jews by promising they could continue to observe Jewish holidays and practice Jewish rituals while adopting the tenets of Christianity. But when messianic congregations began to attract evangelical Christians seeking a more authentic form of their own faith, the movement became, for some, a gateway to conversion to Judaism. Emily Alhadeff writes:

For many evangelicals, an interest in the early church—formed by Jesus, a Jew, and his Jewish followers—drew them in. . . . [Today], messianic congregations may or may not actively proselytize, . . . [but] by the 1980s the organized Jewish community had launched counter-missionary organizations like Jews for Judaism. . . . Now, in a doubly ironic twist, the anti-missionary materials put out by Jews—the readings and online resources that promote Judaism—are attracting the interest of Christians. The very materials meant to be a bulwark against [messianic] groups like Jews for Jesus have become one of the conduits for Christians to convert to Judaism.

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