What Biblical Heroes Can Teach That Philosophers Cannot https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/religion-holidays/2022/12/what-biblical-heroes-can-teach-that-philosophers-cannot/

December 19, 2022 | Leon Kass
About the author:

In a wide-ranging conversation with Zohar Atkins, Leon Kass discusses his own moral and intellectual formation, why political liberalism needs to be sustained by tradition and private virtue, and the significance and development of the biblical Isaac. Kass and Atkins also compare Jacob and Moses, respectively, to Homer’s Odysseus and Plato’s philosopher-king—among much else. (Audio, 80 minutes.)

Read more on Meditations with Zohar: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leon-kass-the-taming-of-the-shrewd/id1608391571?i=1000590115011