The Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda, is on its way to controlling Syria’s border with Israel, and could be there to stay. Or, if Assad succeeds in overpowering Nusra, the area could fall to Hizballah and Iranian forces. How should Israel respond? One idea is to create a buffer zone—but it, too, raises difficulties:
Protecting such a zone, even if it does not serve as a launch pad for rebel operations against Damascus, might require more than just denying Bashar al-Assad’s air force. It might require neutralizing his missile capability. That would mean either taking out his missile batteries, or extending a defensive missile shield over the zone, or both.
In other words, the very act of creating the buffer zone could suck Israel into the Syrian civil war and might even introduce threats on the border that the zone was supposed to forestall.
More about: Al Qaeda, Golan Heights, Hizballah, Israeli Security, Syrian civil war