Evgeny Kissin: Up Front and Personal https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/uncategorized/2014/10/evgeny-kissin-up-front-and-personal/

October 6, 2014 | Evgeny Kissin
About the author:

In an interviewed with Israeli conductor Arik Vardi, the acclaimed piano virtuoso discusses growing up as a prodigy in the Soviet Union and playing soccer with an old shoe instead of a ball, his deep-seated Jewish identity, his personal relationship with music and with the state of Israel, and the intermingling of joy and sorrow in the Jewish tradition. Video clips of his international debut at age twelve in Moscow, his appearance at Radio City Music Hall, and other high points included. (Interview in English, approximately 30 minutes.)

Read more on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsY1rI4CuZI&sns=em