How Iran is Taking Advantage of the Focus on Islamic State

October 3, 2014 | Clifford May
About the author:

Already benefiting from the carnage in Iraq and Syria, Iran will get nuclear weapons, too, unless Washington changes course. Clifford May writes:

Last year, Iran’s current president, the “moderate” Hassan Rouhani, observed: “Saying ‘Death to America’ is easy. We need to express ‘Death to America’ with action.” His most strategic action to date: pushing back Obama’s red lines on Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear-weapons capability.

Negotiations with Iran are to conclude November 24. The president would be wise to make clear that no agreement is preferable to a bad agreement. Such a decision will require courage, resolve, and recognition that negotiations, like wars, do produce winners and losers, and that it matters which the United States turns out to be.

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