When the Columbia University chapter of Amnesty International invited Alan Dershowitz to speak, the organization’s central leadership ordered it to disinvite him. Why? Because, he writes, he supports Israel and opposes terrorism.
In general, Amnesty International . . . has abandoned its commitment to human rights in preference for an overtly political and ideological agenda. Its position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become particularly troubling. In addition to providing an abuse excuse to Palestinian honor killers in the West Bank, it has demonized Israel for its attempts to protect its citizens from Hamas war crimes. In a recent report it condemns Israel for its military actions in Gaza without even mentioning the Hamas terror tunnels that provoked Israel’s defensive actions. These tunnels—I was in one of them just before the war—were built for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill and kidnap Israeli citizens. The tunnel I was in exited right near an Israeli kindergarten with more than 50 children. The sole purpose of the tunnel was to send Hamas death squads into Israel to kill and kidnap as many of these children as possible.
More about: Amnesty International, Anti-Zionism, Terrorism