The four rabbis murdered in last week’s terrorist attack on a Jerusalem synagogue came to Israel to devote themselves to the study of sacred texts, to teach, and to serve. Giulio Meotti remembers them and contemplates their legacy:
When Palestinian terrorists stormed the synagogue in Har Nof, the four rabbis had their eyes turned to the east praying toward the Old City of Jerusalem where once stood the Temple and the holy Ark of the Covenant. They were killed wearing their phylacteries and prayer shawls, eyes still fixed on the siddur, the book of prayer, about to say a psalm: “This is the gate of the Lord and the righteous will enter it.”
They were really the princes of Israel. The day after the massacre, at the yeshiva of Bnei Torah on the western hill of Jerusalem, the blood of the martyrs, the kedoshim, was removed to be buried along with their poor remains. But the day after, dozens of Jews returned to the synagogue to thank God. So that God can smile down at His people again after that horrific day. I bow before them.
Read more at Israel National News
More about: Aliyah, Jerusalem, Judaism, Martyrdom, Palestinian terror