Who Were the Biblical “Giants on the Earth”? https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/uncategorized/2014/11/who-were-the-biblical-giants-on-the-earth/

November 20, 2014 | Ellen White
About the author:

The Hebrew Bible mentions archaic giants under various names. The best-known reference occurs in Genesis 6:4, where they are called nephilim. But who were they, and what is their significance? Ellen White writes:

It was once claimed that the mating of the sons of god and the daughters of Adam that resulted in the nephilim caused the flood, and this caused the nephilim to have a negative reputation. This was believed because the next verse (Genesis 6:5) is the introduction to the flood narrative and because their name means “fallen ones.” It is unlikely that this interpretation is correct, because Genesis 6:4 presents nothing but praise for the nephilim and no criticism is present. In addition, the name “fallen ones” is likely a reference to their divine paternity transforming—falling—into the human condition, albeit an almost superhuman condition.

Read more on Bible History Daily: http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/hebrew-bible/who-are-the-nephilim/