Vassar College has been distinguishing itself lately by the frequency and ferocity of anti-Israel outbursts on its campus. Most recently, Jasbir Puar, a professor of gender and women’s studies at Rutgers University, appeared there to give a talk on “How Palestine Matters” that was by turns absurd and horrifying. Jonathan Marks writes:
In such a jargon-laden talk, one needs every now and again to jolt one’s audience awake. Complaining of a delay [by Israel] in returning the bodies of some of the Palestinians killed in the course of recent [terror attacks], . . . she reports without comment that some “speculate that the bodies were mined for organs for scientific research.” Because when you merely report unfounded rumors of Israelis harvesting the organs of young people, it’s technically not a blood libel, right? About this disgusting and irresponsible charge, the professors and activists [present] said not a mumbling word. Did I mention that the Jewish Studies program co-sponsored Puar’s appearance?
Puar also renews a charge she has made elsewhere, that the Jews are hogging the privilege of being victims of genocidal violence. “The Jewish Israeli population cannot afford to hand over genocide to another population. They need the Palestinians alive in order to keep the kind of rationalization for their victimhood and their militarized economy.” This is a remarkable move. Evidently realizing that it is hard to sustain the charge of genocide against the Israelis in light of the increasing Palestinian population, Puar adds the failure to commit genocide to the list of Israel’s crimes.
More about: Academia, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust inversion, Idiocy, Israel on campus, Postcolonialism