The Roots of Resurgent Anti-Semitism

January 9, 2020 | Jonathan Sacks
About the author: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is a British Orthodox rabbi, philosopher, theologian, author and politician. He served as the chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth from 1991 to 2013.

Considering the troubling increase in anti-Semitic violence in the U.S., and the revival of anti-Semitic politics, Jonathan Sacks writes:

The far left has not recovered from the global collapse of Communism and socialism as ideologies. Hence the assault on Jews as capitalists and libertarians. The far right feels threatened by the changing composition of Western societies, because of immigration on an unprecedented scale and low birthrates among the native population. Hence white supremacists. Many radical Islamists are troubled by dysfunctions in the Muslim world. Hence the emergence of anti-Zionism as the new anti-Semitism.

The scapegoat of choice has long been the Jews. They were the archetypal outsiders. For a thousand years, they were the most prominent non-Christian minority in Europe. Today, the state of Israel is the most significant non-Muslim presence in the Middle East. It is easy to blame Jews because they are conspicuous, because they are a minority, and because they are there. Anti-Semitism has little to do with Jews—they are its object, not its cause—and everything to do with dysfunction in the communities that harbor it.

Anti-Semitism . . . becomes dangerous in any society when three things happen: when it moves from the fringes of politics to a mainstream party and its leadership; when the party sees that its popularity with the general public is not harmed thereby; and when those who stand up and protest are vilified and abused for doing so.

All three factors exist in Britain now. The same must not be allowed to happen in America.

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