Friends of the court.
Religious freedom and state law after Dobbs.
What Hoosier Jews for Choice get wrong.
While aiming to prevent abortions, Efrat has “choice” as its mantra.
Undermining religious liberty by overextending it.
That America still so passionately debates abortion marks the difference between the stagnation of Europe and the hopeful civilization of the United States.
A question distinct from that of the halakhic permissibility of abortion.
Jews’ First Amendment rights are not at stake.
Roe was a sledgehammer, and wrongly wielded.
The Bible, Orthodox Judaism, and a post-Roe America.
Religious freedom is the answer.
“A fetus might not be a person in Jewish law, but it is a potential person, and must therefore be protected.”
Even when espoused by Jewish groups.
Activists now want to delegitimize religious freedom.